
Boring legal bit.

All views and opinions expressed by the authors on this site are their own and no-one else’s (unless otherwise stated with the original person’s permission).

All copyright belongs to the respective owners. We are in no way associated with or endorsed by any of the companies mentioned within this site. (However we are open to such if they are reading and like both our views and our honesty. Cheesy grin. Please employ us.)

Images, screenshots, music and media are our own unless otherwise stated, or we have written permission for their use. If you are the owner of any content we have used and wish for it to be removed, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via [email protected] and we will work with you to resolve any issues.

This page is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive regarding rights or responsibilities. We will not be accountable for any actions therein taken by yourselves following the use of any of our posts or reviews.

Have a nice day.