Tag: review

June 7 / / Tech Review
June 7 / / Game Review

UT3 is an immensely fun way of wasting a couple of hours. With the wide variety of maps, game modes, guns and vehicles, you can play this game for hours without getting bored. Many a night has flown by without spotting how late it had gotten whilst fragging people with rocket launchers, shock rifles and flak launchers.

June 7 / / Game Review

The game has amazing artwork – not like the modern graphics that we come to expect, but stylised 8-bit 2D, psychedelic 80s top-down visuals, that just seem so apt and well executed, that you don’t give the lack of shading or polygons a second thought. It is a brutal high-octane action game that involves killing loads people in numerous ways with a mixture of melee weapons and guns

June 4 / / Tech Review