TPOM introduction

Welcome one and all, to the TPOM blog

(TPOM = The Power of Matt, in case you hadn't worked that out)

I feel this website might need a bit of a welcome, an intro and a bit of explaining. We, The Power of Matt, are two eccentric geeks/nerds that are a few screws short of a teacup and a long way from a ham sandwich. Though being very different at times, we can also be scarily alike and tend to agree on most things related to gaming and tech - because of this, we tend to favour games with multi-player (particularly co-op) capabilities, in order to be able to share the mayhem.

We have spent many hours playing many games, of many different genres and price brackets. It came a point where we felt it was time we put our wealth of experience to the public, to share our thoughts on various titles with written reviews, screenshots and gameplay footage wherever possible. We felt the internet needed another website shouting opinions into the void. Our focus will be mainly on smaller titles and indie games, as the AAA releases receive a huge share of attention as it is, but we will no doubt include some posts on bigger games to keep a bit of balance, as we don't just play indie games and do enjoy the more mainstream channels as well.

Technology in general is a shared passion, especially when it comes to glowy things and computers. As we upgrade computer components, buy new peripherals and other random tech, we'll be doing our best to post our honest reviews, covering value for money, build quality, performance levels (where applicable) and appearance, to name a few.

We will try to categorise and tag our posts as accurately and informatively as possible, for you to browse just the posts that are most relevant to what you want to see. Then again, we might just get lazy and end up not adding any tags... who knows!

Enjoy.. peace out, live long and prosper, may the force be with you, its goodnight from me and goodnight from him, and Ray if you're ever asked it you're a God you say YES

smokeys_13 Written by: